Post office Investment Schemes 2018|RD,FD,PPF,NSC,MIS,KVP,SSA

          The post office interest rates may not always be higher, but you know that your money is safe. For example, the interest rate under the Post Office Savings account is only 4%, but if you want to keep your money liquid, then it could be a good option. However, there are other savings schemes in the post office that will offer you a higher rate of interest, but you have to submit the amount for a fixed amount. Poor and middle-class families are more in our country. With their pitiful amount of salaries, they lead their lives. We need money to spend on the ceremonies at home, children's higher education or to withstand if any unexpected situation occurs. To overcome that kind of situations, several companies introduced saving schemes for us. Mainly, the Post Office introduced 9 best schemes. But due to the lack of proper publicity, they are not very famous. With the intention to make the people like us use these schemes... I am writing this contains.
Indian Post

9 Best Investment Schemes
  1. Saving account:- We can also open an account at the post office just like the bank. To open this account, it is enough if you have just Rs 50. Well, if you want to take a checkbook, then you need to maintain minimum balance Rs 500 in that account. While opening this account, you can specify the nominees for the money deposited in the account. You can also transfer the account from one branch office to another. For a year, they will pay 4% interest to the money deposited in the account which has all types of facilities.
  2. Recurring deposit account:- Recurring account of 5 years can be opened by depositing at least Rs 10. Starting from Rs 5, you can deposit any amount of money in this account per month. Before opening this account, nominees must be specified. For a year, 7.2% interest is paid to the money deposited in this. Half of the money which was deposited for a year can be withdrawn. At the end of five years time, this account can be extended for five more years if needed. If not, the total amount can be withdrawn.
  3. Fixed deposit account:- Under this scheme, four methods are in operation. This is called as Post Office Time Deposit Account. This account must be opened with a minimum amount Rs 200. Before opening this, among the time periods 1 year, to 5 years... Anyone must be selected. While opening this account, nominees must be mentioned. According to this scheme... 6.9% interest for 1 year, 7% interest for 2 years... 7.2% interest for 3 years and 7.7% interest for 5 years can be paid. Well, calculating this interest for 3 months and the calculated amount of interest will be added for every three months. Until this account mature, we cannot withdraw the money from this. It will automatically renew if we do not withdraw the money from the account on the day of maturity.
  4. Monthly income scheme:- This is called as Post Office Monthly Income Scheme. In this scheme, a maximum cap of Rs 4.5 lakhs can be invested at once. If it is joint deposit means, Rs 9 lakhs can be invested. According to this scheme... 7.6 percent interest for a year can be paid. The period of this scheme is 5 years. That deposited money can be withdrawn only after 1 year. Well, every month, the interest on that money can be taken through Post Office. If you withdraw before 3 years, then they deduct 2% on the money you deposited. If you withdraw after 3 years, then they deduct only 1%.
  5. Senior Citizen Savings Scheme:- The name of this scheme is the Senior Citizen Savings Scheme. This is also called as SCSS. This scheme is only for the individuals of the age of 60 years or more. This scheme is also applicable for the individuals retires early between 55 and 60 years. As part of this scheme, up to Rs, 15 lakhs can be invested. This scheme has a tenure of five years. If needed, this scheme can be extended for another three years. The rate of interest for this scheme is 8.4% t per annum. Well, this interest amount can be withdrawn once every 3 months. In this scheme, up to Rs 1 lakh can be deposited. To deposit more than Rs 1 lakh, then a cheque must be used. In the case of this scheme, the nominee name must be specified at the time of opening the account. If you want to take the money by closing this account completely, then you have to wait for 1 year. Then they deduct 1.5% on the money you deposited. If it is after 2 years... They deduct 1% on the money you deposited.
  6. National Saving Certificates scheme:- The name of this scheme is National Saving Certificates. This is also called as NSC. It is enough if you have Rs 100 to open the account in this scheme. According to this scheme... The rate of interest 7.9% per annual. Once if you invest in this, you cannot withdraw the money from that before the 5-year occupancy. There will be no tax on the interest given for this. But this account can be transferred only once from one person to another. If the holder of this account dies, the money deposited in the account until then will be given to the nominees... With that, the account will be closed.
  7. Kisan Vikas Patra scheme:- The name of this scheme is Kisan Vikas Patra. This is called as KVP scheme. This scheme was introduced for the farmers in our country. In this scheme... While opening the account, from Rs 1,000 to Rs 50,000 can be deposited. This account matures to 113 months. Your investment amount would get doubled at the time. You can also specify the nominees to this account. If needed, it can also be transferred to another person.
  8. Public Provident Fund scheme:- The name of this scheme is the Public Provident Fund. This is called as PPF scheme. The maturity period of this account is 15 years. There is no chance to withdraw the money invested in that account until it gets matured. According to this scheme... The minimum balance of Rs 500 and more must be deposited. This scheme will fetch an annual interest rate of 7.9%. Interest on the deposited amount can be withdrawn every month. There is no income tax even on this.
  9. Sukanya Samriddhi Account scheme:- The name of this scheme is Sukanya Samriddhi Account. According to this scheme... An account can be opened in the name of a girl child who is below the age of 10 years with the minimum deposit of Rs 1000. A maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh can be deposited in a year. The rate of interest on the deposited money will be 8.4% per annual. Minimum Rs 1,000 must be deposited in a year. If you do not do so, then the account will get closed. If you want to continue that account again, then you have to pay Rs 50 as the penalty. Well, there is no chance to withdraw the money invested in this account until that girl attains the age of 21 years. If you want to get her married at the age of 18... There is a chance to withdraw that money.

So, These are the best saving schemes of our Post Office. I will be back with a few more interesting and informative articles.