What is e-commerce? How to sell things online?

What is e-commerce?

You must have heard the e-commerce word. We do not know exactly when people started trading things for the first time. Previously using the metal coins, then using paper money is possible to buy anything. But today things have changed with the thought; There is a trading system to buy things that do not buy anything with coins or paper money. Just sit on your computer or mobile, choose things on the screen, click something, enter a credit card or debit card number and wait for the product to arrive at your door. This online-based store, it has simplified consumers' lives, opened a whole new possibility of secondhand business opportunity. So let's see the details, what is this and how it works ...

  • Commerce

Before going into a detailed discussion of e-commerce, we should have an idea about old commerce or commerce. Understanding general trade will not be difficult to understand e-commerce. We generally understand the trade, offering a product or service in exchange for money. Wherever there is money, there is the trade in all around us, but they are expanded in millions of different ways. Suppose you went to a grocery store to buy something, you bought some products and paid the money and brought the product along; This way you have participated in a part of the trade. Suppose you create your own handmade bag and sit in front of your home with bags made for sale; In this way, you have participated with the Commerce. If you wake up every morning, go to an office and create a product, it also falls in the commerce. So from the examples, I can understand exactly how many forms of commerce could be.

No matter how many forms of commerce, all things are common, but few things are common. If you want to succeed in a trade, there are three things that are necessary, buyers, sellers, and producers. Buyers are those who buy a product or service with money. Vendors provide products or services to buyers, but many sellers sell products to small sellers and sell them directly to buyers. Manufacturers produce products or services by themselves to sellers so they can reach these customers. Manufacturers are also a type of seller, they sell products to large vendors or they can also deliver products to buyers themselves.

A more easy example; Remember the roadside popcorn wall, he sells popcorn himself and sells it. So he is a commerce, producer and a seller, and if you buy popcorn, the buyer. Hopefully, this topic is completely clear now.

  • E-commerce

E-commerce also focuses on the core issues of commerce. Here also there is a need for buyers, dealers, and manufacturers of products or services. However, the whole thing from simple commerce to e-commerce is a bit difficult. After going to the normal store, after picking a product, the product comes out with a cash in hand, but in e-commerce, you will not be able to get the product right away, as long as the product is not sent from e-store to your address. If you do not have a hand in hand with the product, it is a problem, but there are some other problems that are going to be an e-seller or online retailer. First of all, he has to process online transactions of money; secondly, it is to verify whether the product you order is on the stock and to make the product available to your exact address.

In addition to buyers, dealers, and product makers, there are three main things in e-commerce; A web server, which is connected to the bank computer to manage the online store and complete the transaction, is a database system; Which always checks whether the product is in stock and when someone orders it, the number of items from the database automatically reduces, and a dispatch system that is connected directly to the warehouse so that the order can be delivered to the buyer as soon as possible after the order is successful.

The first of these three things are essential for an e-commerce. Many small e-commerce traders handle the database and the dispatch system manually. They usually run a website from which the customer orders the product and then they are manually handled.

How does e-commerce work?

Let's take a closer look, how the entire e-commerce system works. However, not all sites that work exactly below mentioned.

  1. You have your internet-enabled computer or mobile phone, loaded in the preferred e-commerce website browser. You are continually able to serve websites by contacting your browser's website.
  2. When ordering a product, the web server will send its information to the arrange manager program.
  3. Checking the order manager program info, whether or not the merchandise has stock or not.
  4. By making certain the info the merchandise is available and determines a potential delivery date consistent with the vendor.
  5. Since the merchandise is available, the order manager communicates with the dealing system to chop the bill from a master card or open-end credit. To check whether there are enough funds in the customer's account by contacting the system bank computer again.
  6. If the bank is obtaining permission from the pc, the group action can go additional, however, the positioning doesn't get instant cash, it's to attend many days.
  7. After the human action is in, the system informs the web server.
  8. Web server showed a page to the client, his order was winning an additional bill info was rumored.
  9. The order manager is currently requesting the warehouse laptop to deliver the merchandise properly to the customer's address.
  10. This time your product goes to your address by van.
  11. Once the products are left from the warehouse, you may run elaborated info by mailing from your warehouse's laptop to your email address.
  12. Finally, the merchandise comes ahead of your door.

Now credit cards as well as delivering cash have become a popular payment instrument. This reduces your risk as a buyer and the site also does not have trouble dealing with the system. Not all e-commerce companies have a warehouse, but they do not reach the goods on their own vehicles, most of the e-commerce sites in Bangladesh use the courier services to deliver the goods.

How to start your e-commerce business?

To start an e-commerce business, you first need to have a website. And your website design defines how successful or frustrating your virtual store will be. A design does not mean that your site will be very interesting to see; Your site should be user-friendly so that someone can easily find their favorite product, your site must be credible, the site should be 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to be accessible and fast pages will be loaded.

Nowadays it is very easy to create and design e-commerce sites; it is possible to create a site within a few hours. Many companies sell ready-made site templates, which are much lower. You can also scale the web server according to the requirement. If you wish, you can improve your own trading system to accept payment online, and you can ensure transactions using PayPal or other payment gateway services. Again there are some big sites such as Amazon, helping to run a small version of their site on your site after the product is sold, you can make some commissions.

Another factor to start a successful online business is to choose "appropriate domain name". Your domain name should be selected in conjunction with your service, and of course, select the name that can be easily remembered. Such as cat.com, food.com, caulbriki.com etc. However, some of the most successful e-commerce sites like Amazon, eBay, etc. have proven that you do not have to match the service and website name to make a successful business. But there are time requirements, people will come to your site, love, believe, buy products.

If you want to sell your own made products, but you have to have relationships with other vendors and producers for selling many types of products. As the buyer may buy some products on your site, many vendors also come to sell products on your site. Now you have to do marketing to ensure that these customers and vendors will find your site and recognize your site. If someone does not know your site, then you will not be able to sell any products. There are many ways to do online marketing. If you want to advertise on Facebook or Google then you can advertise your site to your preferred or appropriate popular site, thus people will be informed of your online store.

You need to have multiple transactions to make money transactions. Not everyone has a credit card or debit card system, so mobile banking or cash-on-delivery should also be provided. In some cases, the buyer does not like the product even after buying, so the method of returning the product is to be made. Sometimes the product is broken up or broken by not reaching the buyer, they should be provided with refunds or refunds. Customer support system will be developed to solve various problems of customer or to answer different questions. You can also offer customer support online, but you may be offered a customer support service by setting up a call center. Moreover, with the help of honesty and devotion, it is very important to establish a trustworthy relationship with the customer.

Last word

Hopefully, today's article will come in handy for those who want to start a new e-commerce business, as well as you know the details of how this system works. There are some disadvantages in many advantages of buying online, for example, it may be too late to find preferred products, prices may be high, new sites cannot be easily trusted, and due to the popularity of online shopping, the offline or local market business is declining.