How to Earn Money Online without Technical Skills or knowledge.

Technical skills are not necessarily a requirement when wanting to start a career online. There are many people who still make a living online without much technical knowledge. With that being said, if you are searching for a career online that does not require much technical knowledge, you still have options as to what you can do.

Options for Work without Technical Knowledge

There are several fields that a person can enter into when they do not have technical knowledge. These fields include:

- Freelance writing
- Photography
- Website reviewer
- Data entry

Though these fields may seem as though they would require technical knowledge, as long as a person knows how to use the Internet and can navigate the web, they are going to find success in these fields.

Freelance Writing

Writing online is what many people do and they will find that having knowledge of how to use a Word program and how to surf the Internet is all that is going to be required. There are several freelance websites that will allow a person to get their start. A few examples are:
These are the top three websites that people find help them to dive into the world of freelance writing. The pay will be dependent upon the project that the person completes, yet, you can make a career of this.


Taking pictures is a passion for several people. With this type of career, you can post your pictures online and allow people to use these for a small fee. The sites to check out are:
These two websites can connect you with people who maybe looking for your type of photo offerings.

Website Reviewer

Being a website reviewer allows you to go to a website and then give your thoughts on several aspects of the website. These can include the layout of the website, your initial thoughts and even the information that is being provided on the website. This is something that is hard to get into; however, if you make a name for yourself, you will find that you can get more clients as you prove that you can help.

Data Entry

Though it may sound technical, data entry is relatively simple. Most companies that offer data entry are going to offer training in how this is completed. For the most part, the person will simply fill out forms and deliver these to the client. It does not require that they know a lot of technical aspects. regularly posts jobs for data entry, as well as

If you are serious about having a career online, and you have no technical knowledge, you still have options. There are tons of people who make a living doing these types of jobs each and every day. The competition for the jobs may be steep as these are demanding fields. 

However, for the most part, you will find that there are more than enough available jobs to keep you busy.

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